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Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr.

Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr.

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Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr. Greenfield

Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr.

 (xxxx Reviews)
Regular price 99,00 kr
Regular price 99,00 kr Sale price
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Greenfields Puppy Shampoo Bar is a product designed specifically for puppies and their delicate skin and coat.

Natural and plastic-free dog shampoo for puppies
Based on natural ingredients such as chicory and olive oil
Ensures that the coat is easy to comb/brush
Good for the environment: 1 shampoo bar is equivalent to 3 plastic bottles
Economical and sustainable in use, the shampoo bar can be used for up to 60 washes
Handmade in the Netherlands

pH-balanced perfume free of allergens no SLS/SLES no silicones free of parabens no preservatives vegan

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Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr. Greenfield





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Greenfields Hvalpe Shampoobar - 70 gr. Greenfield

Mere information

<p> Greenfields Puppy Shampoo BarGreenfields Puppy shampoo bar is a mild shampoo specially developed for puppies.</p>
<p> This plastic-free shampoo bar is packed with natural ingredients. It contains chicory to protect the young coat and give a natural shine. As well as olive oil to provide natural moisture to sensitive and young skin. The shampoo bar is suitable for all types of coat.</p>
<p><br> ingredients:</p>
<p> Chicory: protects the young coat and gives a natural shine.</p>
<p> Olive oil: Olive oil provides natural moisture to skin and fur.</p>
<p> Full of vitamin E.</p>
<p> Sustainable and plastic-free solution.</p>
<p> One shampoo bar is equivalent to 3 plastic bottles and can be used for up to 60 washes. This 70 gram shampoo bar reduces the use of plastic in a household, contributes to the environment and fits into any budget!</p>
<p><br> In addition to the shampoo bar being plastic-free, Greenfields also believes it is important to offer natural grooming solutions for dogs. All Greenfields' shampoo bars are pH balanced, contain no preservatives and are vegan.</p>
<p><b> <br>How do you use the shampoo bar?</b></p>
<p> Brush the coat first, if necessary. Wet the dog in the bath or shower and build up a lather by rubbing the shampoo bar all over the body.</p>
<p> Be careful to avoid the eyes and ears. Rinse the dog with lukewarm water until all the shampoo is gone. Use a towel to dry the dog.</p>
<p> <b>Here are some of the features and benefits you can expect with this shampoo bar:</b></p>
<p> <b>Gentle wash:</b> The shampoo bar is formulated to be gentle on your puppy's sensitive skin and coat. It effectively removes dirt and grime without irritating or drying out the skin.</p>
<li><ul><li> <b>Soothing properties:</b> The product has soothing ingredients that help relieve irritation and itching which is common in puppies.</li></ul></li>
<li><ul><li> <b>Natural Ingredients:</b> Many puppy owners prefer products that are made with natural ingredients and free of harmful chemicals. Greenfields Puppy Shampoo Bar contains natural ingredients that are gentle and safe for your puppy.</li></ul></li>
<li><ul> <li>
<b>Long-lasting use:</b> The shampoo bar has a solid shape which means it can last longer than liquid shampoo and is more economical to use.</li>
<li> When using Greenfields Puppy Shampoo Bar, follow the recommendations that come with the product and avoid getting the shampoo in your puppy's eyes or ears. </li>
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