Snack'it crustacean skin with fur - 200 gr.
Snack'it crustacean skin with fur - 200 gr.
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Snack'it crustacean skin with fur - 200 gr.
Snack'it Krondyrhud with fur is a natural and robust snack for dogs that gives them a long-lasting chewing experience.
This type of snack is made from crustacean skin that still has the fur intact, which adds an extra dimension to the chewing experience and can have health benefits for your dog.

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Mere information
<p> <span><b>Benefits of Snack'it Red Deer Skin with Fur:</b></span></p>
<ul></ul> <p><b><span>Long-lasting chew time</span> :</b> Deerskin is robust and tough, providing long-lasting chewing pleasure for dogs who love to chew. This can help reduce stress and keep your dog occupied.</p>
<p> <b><span>Promotes dental hygiene</span> :</b> The chewing action helps reduce plaque and tartar by providing a natural scrubbing effect on the teeth. This can promote healthier teeth and gums.</p>
<p> <b><span>Natural source of fiber</span> :</b> The fur on deerskin can act as a natural source of fiber, which can help cleanse your dog's digestive system and promote healthy bowel function.</p>
<p> <b><span>Hypoallergenic</span> :</b> Deer skin is generally considered a hypoallergenic protein source, making this snack suitable for dogs with food allergies or sensitive stomachs.</p>
<ul></ul> <p><b><span>No artificial additives</span> :</b> Snack'it Red Deer Skin with Fur is usually made without artificial colors, preservatives or flavors, making it a healthy snack for your dog.</p>
<h3> <span><b>Tips for using Snack'it Red Deer Skin with Fur:</b></span>
<li><ol><li> <b><span>Supervise your dog</span> :</b> As with any chew treat, it is important to supervise your dog while he chews to ensure he does not get pieces that are too large or could cause choking.</li></ol></li>
<li><ol> <li><b><span style="border: 0px solid rgb(227227 227); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(6989164.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 transparent; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia:</div><div id=i-3882221133 class=sl-><h3 ><span ><b>Fordele ved Trixie Skål sæt - silikone:</b></span></h3><p ></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Fleksibilitet og holdbarhed</span>: </b>Silikone er et fleksibelt og holdbart materiale der ikke splintrer eller knækker. Dette gør det ideelt til skåle der kan tåle gentagen brug og er lette at transportere.</p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Sammenklappeligt design</span>:</b> Silikoneskåle kan normalt klappes sammen hvilket gør dem nemme at opbevare og transportere. Dette er især nyttigt for rejser camping eller ture med din hund.</p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Let at rengøre</span>: </b>Silikone er let at rengøre og ofte opvaskemaskinevenligt hvilket gør det hurtigt og nemt at holde skålene rene og fri for bakterier.</p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Skridsikker base</span>:</b> Mange silikoneskåle har en skridsikker base der hjælper med at forhindre skålene i at glide eller vælte under fodring.</p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Alsidigt brug</span>:</b> Skålene i dette sæt kan bruges til både mad og vand hvilket gør dem alsidige og velegnede til forskellige situationer.</p><h3 ><span ><b>Tips til brug af Trixie Skål sæt - silikone:</b></span></h3><p ></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><b><span >Kontroller for skader</span>: </b>Silikone er holdbart men det er altid godt at kontrollere skålene for revner eller huller især hvis din hund har en tendens til at bide eller tygge på ting.</p><p ><ol></ol></p><p style=" border: solid rgb proximity rgba transparent><div id="i-3882221135" class="sl-"> <h3><span><b>Benefits of Cat Activity snack ball:</b></span></h3>
<p> <b><span>Stimulating play</span> :</b> With the integrated internal maze, your cat is challenged to roll the ball and figure out how to get the treat out. This promotes mental stimulation and gives your cat an activity that keeps them busy.</p>
<p> <b><span>Controlled snack intake</span> :</b> The ability to place snacks or dry food in the ball allows you to control the amount of snacks your cat gets while providing a fun and interactive way to eat.</p>
<p> <b><span>Assorted colors</span> :</b> The ball is available in different colors, making it a colorful and attractive toy for your cat.</p>
<p> <b><span>Easy to use and clean</span> :</b> With a screw cap, the ball is easy to open and fill with snacks. After use, you can disassemble the ball and clean it thoroughly to remove any food residue.</p>
<ol></ol> <p><b><span>Durable plastic construction</span> :</b> The ball is made of plastic that is durable and designed to withstand scratches and impacts, making it suitable for active play.</p>
<h3> <span><b>How to use Cat Activity snack ball:</b></span>
<p> <b><span>Fill the ball with snacks or dry food</span> :</b> Open the screw cap and fill the ball with an appropriate amount of snacks or dry food. Make sure the snacks fit the size of the ball's openings. </p>
<p style="border: 0px solid rgb(227227 227); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(6989164.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow: 0 0 transparent; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 transparent; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-h</div><div id=i-3882221136 class=sl-><h3 ><span ><b>Fordele ved Trixie Gummibold flydende - naturgummi:</b></span></h3><p ></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><span ><b>Flydende design</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Denne bold er designet til at flyde hvilket gør den nem at se og hente for din hund selv i vand. Dette gør det til en god mulighed for apportering og vandlege.</span></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><span ><b>Holdbar naturgummi</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Naturgummi er kendt for sin robusthed og elasticitet hvilket gør denne bold modstandsdygtig over for bid og kraftig leg. Det betyder at den kan modstå gentagne kast og apportering.</span></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><span ><b>Miljøvenlighed</b></span><span ><b>: </b>At legetøjet er lavet af naturgummi betyder at det er mere bæredygtigt end nogle syntetiske alternativer. Naturgummi er også mindre tilbøjelige til at splintre eller knække.</span></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><span ><b>Alsidigt legetøj</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Ud over at være velegnet til vandleg kan bolden også bruges til traditionelle kaste- og apporteringslege på land. Dens lette vægt og robuste konstruktion gør den til et godt valg for mange typer aktiviteter.</span></p><p ><ol></ol></p><p ><span ><b>Sikkerhed</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Naturgummi er generelt et sikkert materiale for hunde da det er mindre sandsynligt at splintre og forårsage skader hvilket er vigtigt for ethvert legetøj som hunde kan bide i.</span></p><h3 ><span ><b>Tips til brug af Trixie Gummibold flydende - naturgummi:</b></span></h3><ol ><ol><li ><ol><li ><span ><b>Overvåg din hund</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Som med alle typer legetøj især dem der bruges i vand er det vigtigt at overvåge din hund under leg for at sikre at den er sikker.</span></li></ol></li><li ><ol><li style=" border: solid rgb proximi></p>
<div id="i-3882221138" class="sl-">
<h3> <span><b>Advantages of Trixie Flea and Dust Comb with Handle:</b></span>
<p> <span><b>Effective flea removal</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The closely spaced fine teeth on the comb are specially designed to catch fleas and their eggs, helping to combat fleas.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Removing dust and dirt</b></span> <span><b>:</b> In addition to fleas, the comb can also be used to remove dust, dander and other small particles from your dog's or cat's fur, helping to keep the fur clean and healthy.</span></p>
<ol></ol> <p><span><b>Ergonomic handle</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The ergonomic handle provides a good grip and makes it easier to use the comb without straining your hand. This is especially useful if you need to comb your dog or cat for a long period of time.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Gentle on the skin</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The fine teeth are designed to be gentle on your dog's or cat's skin, reducing the risk of irritation or discomfort.</span></p>
<h3> <span><b>How to use the Trixie Flea and Dust Comb with Handle:</b></span>
<li><p> <span><b>Preparation</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Make sure your dog or cat is calm and relaxed before you start combing. It can help to have a treat or toy on hand to keep them distracted.</span></p></li>
<li><p> <span><b>Comb slowly and thoroughly</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Begin by combing gently through the coat starting at the roots and working your way outwards. Be sure to check the comb regularly for fleas or their eggs and clean it if necessary.</span> </p></li>
<p style="border: 0px solid rgb(227227 227); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-</div><div id=i-3882221140 class=sl-><h3 ><span ><b>Funktioner og fordele ved Petosan tandpasta:</b></span></h3><ol ><li ><p ><span ><b>Særligt udviklet til hunde</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Petosan tandpasta er designet specielt til hundes behov hvilket betyder at den er sikker for dem at bruge indeholder ikke skadelige ingredienser som fluor eller xylitol som findes i menneskelig tandpasta.</span></p></li><li ><p ><span ><b>Forbedrer tandhygiejne</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Regelmæssig brug af tandpastaen hjælper med at fjerne plak og reducere risikoen for tandsten hvilket er afgørende for at forhindre tandkødsbetændelse og andre tandproblemer.</span></p></li><li ><p ><span ><b>Reducerer dårlig ånde</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Tandpastaen kan hjælpe med at reducere dårlig ånde hos hunde hvilket er en almindelig bekymring blandt hundeejere.</span></p></li><li ><p ><span ><b>Appetitvækkende smag</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Mange tandpastaer til hunde inklusive Petosan har en smag som hunde finder behagelig såsom kylling eller lever. Dette gør det lettere at børste tænderne da hunden er mere tilbøjelig til at acceptere tandbørstningen.</span></p></li><li ><p ><span ><b>Kompatibel med tandbørster til hunde</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Petosan tandpasta er designet til at blive brugt med tandbørster specifikt udviklet til hunde hvilket sikrer at du får det bedste resultat.</span></p></li></ol><h3 ><span ><b>Tips til at bruge Petosan tandpasta:</b></span></h3><ol ><li ><p ><span ><b>Start tidligt og gradvist</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Begynd tandbørstningen mens din hund er ung og introducer det gradvist for at gøre det til en positiv oplevelse. Hvis din hund er ældre kan du stadig introducere tandbørstning men vær tålmodig.</span></p></li><li ><p style=" border: solid rgb proximity></p>
<div id="i-3882221141" class="sl-"> <h3><span><b>Benefits of Snack'it Lamb Ears XXL:</b></span></h3>
<li> <span><b>Long chewing time</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The XXL size means these lamb ears provide longer chewing pleasure, which is ideal for dogs that love to chew or need an activity that keeps them busy for longer.</span>
<li> <span><b>Dental Care</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Chewing on lamb's ears can help reduce plaque and tartar by providing a natural scrubbing effect on the teeth.</span>
<li> <span><b>Natural and healthy</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Lamb ears are a source of protein and low in fat, making them a healthy snack that does not contain unnecessary additives or artificial ingredients.</span>
<li> <span><b>Hypoallergenic</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Lamb is known to be a hypoallergenic protein source, making these lamb ears suitable for dogs with food allergies or sensitive stomachs.</span>
<h3> <span><b>Usage and considerations:</b></span>
<ul> <li>
<span><b>Supervision is important</b></span> <span><b>:</b> As with all chew treats, it is important to supervise your dog while chewing on lamb ears to avoid choking or injury.</span>
<li> <span><b>Moderation</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Although lamb's ears are healthy, they should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Too much of a snack, no matter how healthy, can lead to weight gain or digestive problems.</span>
<li> <span><b>Suitable for different dog sizes</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The XXL size means these lamb ears may be suitable for larger dogs or dogs with strong jaws who need more robust chew treats.</span>
<h3> <span><b>Storage:</b></span>
<p> <span>To ensure lamb's ears stay fresh, store them in a cool, dry place.</span></p>
<div id="i-3882221142" class="sl-">
<h3> <span><b>Benefits of Snack'it Beef Knuckles with Meat:</b></span>
<ol> <li>
<span><b>Long chewing time</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Beef knuckles are known for their durability, giving your dog many hours of active chewing. This is especially beneficial for dogs with a strong chewing instinct and can help reduce boredom.</span>
<li> <span><b>Dental Care</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Chewing on these kneecaps helps clean teeth by scraping away plaque and can promote healthier gums.</span>
<li> <span><b>Protein-rich snack</b></span> <span><b>:</b> With meat still attached to the kneecap, this snack provides a good source of protein which is essential for your dog's muscle maintenance and overall health.</span>
<li> <span><b>Natural and satisfying</b></span> <span><b>:</b> This product is made with natural ingredients without unnecessary additives, making it a safe and healthy snack option for your dog.</span>
<h3> <span><b>Usage and considerations:</b></span>
<ul> <li>
<span><b>Always supervise your dog</b></span> <span><b>:</b> While your dog is enjoying a beef jerky, it is important to keep an eye on it as small pieces can break off and potentially cause a choking hazard.</span>
<li> <span><b>Not for all dogs</b></span> <span><b>:</b> If your dog has a history of dental problems or digestive issues, it may be better to choose a softer type of chew.</span>
<li> <span><b>Limited intake</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Although these are healthy in moderation, they should not make up the main part of your dog's diet.</span>
<h3> <span><b>Storage:</b></span>
<p> <span>To ensure that Snack'it Beef Knuckle Shells with Meat remain fresh and delicious, store them in a cool dry place and in an airtight container if possible after opening the package.</span></p>
<div id="i-3882221143" class="sl-">
<h3> <span><b>Advantages of Snack'it Rabbit Ears with Fur:</b></span>
</h3> <p><span><b>Natural source of fiber</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The fur on the rabbit ears acts as a natural source of fiber that helps cleanse the dog's digestive system as it passes through.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Promotes dental hygiene</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Similar to the furless rabbit ears, these also help clean teeth and massage gums, which can reduce plaque and prevent tartar.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Improves intestinal cleansing</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The fibers in the fur can help cleanse the intestines by creating bulk in the dog's stool, which facilitates passage and can help prevent certain types of intestinal diseases.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>More natural chewing experience</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The fur adds an extra dimension to the chewing experience which can be psychologically soothing and mentally stimulating for the dog.</span></p>
<h3> <span><b>Usage and considerations:</b></span>
<ul> <li>
<span><b>Moderation is the key</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Although rabbit ears with fur are healthy, they should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.</span>
<li> <span><b>Supervision is essential</b></span> <span><b>:</b> It is important to supervise your dog when they are enjoying rabbit ears with fur as there is a small risk that the fur could cause choking or digestive problems if not chewed properly.</span>
<li> <span><b>Storage to maintain freshness</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Rabbit ears with fur should be stored in a cool dry place and in an airtight container after opening to extend shelf life.</span>
<div id="i-3882221144" class="sl-">
<h3> <span><b>Advantages of Snack'it Rabbit Ears:</b></span>
<p> <span><b>Natural and pure</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Rabbit ears are made from pure rabbit with no added fillers, dyes or preservatives, making them a safe and healthy snack for your dog.</span></p>
<p><span><br></span></p> <p><span><b>Promotes dental health</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The chewing activity helps clean teeth and massage gums, reducing plaque and preventing tartar.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Hypoallergenic</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Rabbit is known to be a hypoallergenic protein source which is ideal for dogs with food allergies or sensitivities.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Low fat content</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Rabbit ears are naturally low in fat, making them a great snack for dogs watching their weight.</span></p>
<h3> <span><b>Usage and considerations:</b></span>
<ul><li> <span><b>Moderation</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Although rabbit ears are healthy, they should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.</span>
<ul><li> <span><b>Supervision</b></span> <span><b>:</b> It is always best to supervise your dog when enjoying rabbit ears, especially to prevent larger pieces from being swallowed which could cause choking or digestive problems.</span>
<ul> <li>
<span><b>Storage</b></span> <span><b>:</b> To maintain freshness, rabbit ears should be stored in a cool, dry place. After opening, they can be stored in an airtight container to extend shelf life.</span>
<div id="i-3882221146" class="sl-">
<h3> <span><b>Advantages of a sniffing mat:</b></span>
<p> <span><b>Mental stimulation</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The sniffing mat gives your dog an opportunity to use their sense of smell to find treats or dry food. This activates the dog's natural instinct to sniff and search, which can be both mentally challenging and calming.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Reduces stress and anxiety</b></span> <span><b>:</b> Sniffing and searching has a calming effect on dogs. It can help reduce stress and anxiety by giving the dog a focused task that requires concentration.</span></p>
<li> <p><span><b>Prevents swallowing food</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The sniffing mat can be used to slow down the dog's eating speed. By hiding the food in different hiding places, it encourages the dog to work for its food, which can reduce the risk of swallowing food and thus prevent digestive problems.</span></p>
<p> <span><b>Non-slip base</b></span> <span><b>:</b> The non-slip base prevents the mat from sliding around while your dog works to find the treats. This provides a stable surface and prevents injuries or accidents.</span></p>
<p><span><br></span> </p>
<p style="border: 0px solid rgb(227227 227); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-rin</div><div id=i-3882221147 class=sl-><p ><b>Her er nogle af fordelene ved at bruge en snusemåtte til din hund:</b></p><h3 ><b><span >1. </span><span >Beroligende effekt</span></b></h3><p >At snuse og søge efter mad kan have en beroligende virkning på hunde. Det hjælper med at reducere stress og angst ved at give dem en opgave at fokusere på. Dette kan især være nyttigt for nervøse hunde eller dem der har brug for en måde at slappe af på.</p><h3 ><b><span >2. </span><span >Mental stimulering</span></b></h3><p >Snusemåtten tilbyder en form for mental træning der kan hjælpe med at holde din hund mentalt skarp og engageret. Det er en god måde at forhindre kedsomhed og uønsket adfærd som ofte opstår når hunde ikke får nok stimulering.</p><h3 ><b><span >3. </span><span >Slow feeder</span></b></h3><p >Snusemåtten kan også bruges til at give din hund en langsommere og mere kontrolleret måde at spise på. Dette kan være nyttigt for hunde der har tendens til at sluge deres mad hvilket kan føre til fordøjelsesproblemer eller risiko for oppustethed. Ved at skjule godbidder eller tørfoder i måtten opfordres din hund til at tage sin tid og arbejde for sin mad.</p><h3 ><b><span >4. </span><span >Skridsikker bund</span></b></h3><p >Den skridsikre bund forhindrer måtten i at glide rundt når din hund snuser og graver efter godbidderne. Dette giver en sikker og stabil overflade for din hund at arbejde på.</p><h3 ><b><span >5. </span><span >Velegnet til hvalpe og voksne hunde</span></b></h3><p >Snusemåtten er ideel for hvalpe der skal lære at spise langsomt såvel som for voksne hunde der har brug for en beroligende aktivitet eller en form for mental stimulering.</p><h3 ><b><span >6. </span><span >Vaskbar og holdbar</span></b></h3><p >At måtten kan vaskes ved 30°C gør den nem at holde ren og hygiejnisk. Dette er vigtigt da måtten vil komme i kontakt med mad og spyt.</p><p >Alt i alt er en snusemåtte en alsidig og praktisk tilføjelse til din hunds tilbehør. Den tilbyder ikke kun underholdning og stimulering men kan også hjælpe med at forbedre din hunds spisevaner og reducere stress. Når du bruger en snusemåtte skal du sikre at den er fri for skarpe genstande og er designet til at være sikker for din hund at bruge.</p></div><div id=i-3882221148 class=sl-><h3 ><span ><b>Funktionalitet og brug:</b></span></h3><ul ><li ><span ><b>Isforme til hunde</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Formene er specielt designet til at lave vand-is til hunde. Med plads til 8 is kan du lave flere på én gang hvilket er praktisk hvis du har flere hunde eller vil have nogle is gemt til senere.</span></li></ul><h3 ><span ><b>Nem at bruge:</b></span></h3><ul ><li ><span ><b>Enkel at fylde og fryse</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Du kan fylde formen med is-blandingen og sætte den i fryseren. Efter et par timer er isen klar til at blive serveret som en lækker og forfriskende snack til din hund.</span></li><li ><span ><b>Rengøring og vedligeholdelse</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Formen er designet til at være let at rengøre. Du kan enten vaske den i hånden eller sætte den i opvaskemaskinen for hurtig og nem rengøring.</span></li></ul><h3 ><span ><b>Fordele for din hund:</b></span></h3><ul ><li ><span ><b>Afkølende snack</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Is er en fantastisk måde at hjælpe din hund med at køle ned på varme dage især hvis du bor i et område med varmt klima.</span></li><li ><span ><b>Sjov og berigende</b></span><span ><b>: </b>Is kan også være en sjov og berigende snack der giver din hund noget at slikke og tygge på hvilket kan hjælpe med at holde den beskæftiget og glad.</span></li><li ><span ><b>Hydrering</b></span><span ><b>:</b> Vand-is kan også være med til at øge din hunds væske-indtag hvilket er vigtigt i varmt vejr.</span></li></ul><p ><span >Coolpets Dog Ice Mix Form kan være en god tilføjelse til din hunds tilbehør især i sommermånederne. </span></p><p ><span >Husk at bruge ingredienser der er sikre for hunde og undgå tilsætning af sukker chokolade eller andre skadelige stoffer. Is kan være en sjov måde at forkæle din hund på samtidig med at du holder den kølig og hydreret.</span></p></div><div id=i-3882221161 class=sl-><p >Trixie Bil sæde i sort/grå er et produkt designet til at give din hund en sikker og behagelig oplevelse under bilkørsel. Dette bil sæde fungerer som en slags hundeseng eller sæde der fastgøres til bilens sæder ved hjælp af et bånd.</p><p ><b>Nogle af funktionerne ved Trixie Bilsæde:</b></p><ol ><li ><p ><b><span >Sikkerhed</span>:</b> Designet til at holde din hund sikkert fastgjort under kørsel hvilket kan reducere risikoen for skader i tilfælde af en pludselig opbremsning eller kollision. Husk at hunden skal være fastgjort med en sikker sele som sidder fast i selelåsen. </p><p ><br></p><p ><b><br></b></p></li><li ><p ><b><span >Komfort</span>: </b>Polstret med meget bløde materialer og designet til at give din hund en behagelig plads at hvile under lange køreture.</p><p ><br></p><p ><b><br></b></p></li><li ><p ><b><span >Beskyttelse af bilens sæder</span>:</b> Kan hjælpe med at beskytte bilens sæder mod snavs hår og kradser fra din hund.</p><p ><br></p><p ><br></p></li><li ><p ><b><span >Let at installere</span>: N</b>em at installere og fjerne fra bilen så du kan bruge det når du har din hund med dig og tage det ud når det ikke er nødvendigt.</p><p ><br></p><p ><br></p></li><li style=" border: solid rgb proximity rgba transparent></p>
<div id="i-3882221162" class="sl-">
<p> The brush has plastic spikes and pads that effectively loosen and smooth the fur during drying.</p>
<p> The product is made of durable plastic.<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221163" class="sl-">
<p> Let's Bite Meat Snacks PUPPY lamb sticks</p>
<p><br> Delicious meat snacks for all dogs who love meat. Ideal for training, as a reward or simply as a tasty treat.</p>
<p> Tasty snacks are the key to obedience and support your dog's natural chewing instinct.<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221164" class="sl-"> <p><b>Dosage per day</b><br> 1 pump corresponds to 2ml (1 pump)<br> Small dogs approx. 2ml (1 pump)<br> Medium dogs approx. 3 x 2ml (3 pumps)<br> Large dogs approx. 5 x 2ml (4 pumps)<br> Contains Omega 3 Omega 6 and Vitamin D<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221165" class="sl-">
<p> <strong>Benefits of Oil'it Salmon Oil:</strong></p>
<li> <strong>Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids:</strong> Salmon oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are essential for your dog's cardiovascular health, joint function and immune system.</li>
<li> <strong>Promotes a healthy and shiny coat:</strong> The essential fatty acids in salmon oil help improve your dog's skin and coat health, resulting in a shiny and strong coat.</li>
<li> <strong>Supports joints and mobility:</strong> Salmon oil can help reduce inflammation and support the health of your dog's joints, which is especially beneficial for older dogs or dogs with joint problems.</li> <li>
<strong>Strengthens the immune system:</strong> The nutrients found in salmon oil contribute to strengthening your dog's immune system, which helps protect against diseases and infections.</li>
<p> <strong>Application:</strong></p>
<div id="i-3882221166" class="sl-">
<ul><li> <strong>Advantages</strong> :<ul>
<li> Natural and hypoallergenic product ideal for dogs with allergies to other protein sources such as beef or chicken.</li>
<li> The chewy texture of horse scalp makes it a great chew item that provides long-lasting entertainment.</li>
<li> Helps care for teeth and gums by removing plaque and tartar while the dog chews.</li>
<li> High in protein and easily digestible, making it a healthy snack for your dog.</li>
<li> Horse scalp is a sturdy and tasty chew that dogs love.</li>
<p> <strong>Tip</strong> : Always remember to supervise your dog while he chews on chewy snacks and make sure fresh water is available.</p>
<div id="i-3882221167" class="sl-">
<ul><li> <strong>Advantages</strong> :<ul>
<li> Made from 100% horse without additives, making it a healthy and natural choice.</li> <li>Horse is a hypoallergenic protein source, making it ideal for dogs with allergies or sensitivities to other types of meat.</li>
<li> Long-lasting chewing experience that helps keep your dog occupied and reduces boredom.</li>
<li> Contributes to dental cleaning by helping to reduce plaque and tartar while your dog chews.</li>
<li> High protein content that supports muscle building and general health.</li>
<p> This horse bone is an excellent snack for dogs who need a hard and natural chew that lasts a long time while promoting good dental hygiene.</p>
<p> <strong>Tip</strong> : Be sure to supervise your dog when he chews on bones and make sure he has access to fresh water.</p>
<div id="i-3882221168" class="sl-">
<p> Trixie head and paw scissors are a practical tool for trimming your dog's fur around the face, ears, paws and other sensitive areas.</p>
<p> These scissors are designed with sharp and precise blades as well as rounded tips to ensure safety during use and minimize the risk of cutting or stabbing your dog.</p> <p><b>Some of the advantages of Trixie head and paw scissors are:</b></p>
<p> <b><span>Precision</span> :</b> The scissors allow you to trim your dog's fur accurately and precisely, which is especially important around sensitive areas such as the face, ears and paws.</p>
<p> <b><span>Safety</span> :</b> With the rounded tips and sharp blades, you can trim your dog's fur without worrying about cutting or snagging it.</p>
<p> <b><span>Quality</span> :</b> Trixie is known for producing quality pet products and their head and paw clippers are no exception. By choosing a trusted brand, you can be confident that your clippers will be durable and effective.</p>
<li><p> <b><span>Maintains the appearance of the coat</span> :</b> By regularly trimming your dog's fur around the head, ears and paws, you can help maintain its appearance and keep it free of matted fur.</p></li>
<p> It is important to be careful and practice using the scissors, especially if you are a beginner.</p> <p>You may also want to consider getting guidance from a professional groomer before attempting to trim your dog's coat at home. With proper use, Trixie Head and Paw Scissors can be a useful tool for maintaining your dog's coat and appearance.</p>
<div id="i-3882221169" class="sl-">
<p> A cat scoop like Scoop Finn can be useful for cat owners as it makes it easy to remove feces and clumps from the litter, thus keeping the litter box clean and odor-free.</p>
<p> By using a cat scoop, you can ensure a hygienic and comfortable experience for both cat and owner.</p>
<p> It is important to choose a high-quality shovel that is durable and easy to clean.</p>
<p> A Scoop Finn cat scoop can meet these requirements and is a useful tool for cat owners who want to keep their cat's litter box clean and hygienic.</p>
<div id="i-3882221170" class="sl-">
<p> Moser Grooming Glove is a practical tool for caring for your pet's fur.</p> <p>This glove is usually designed to slip over your hand and has a surface with small rubber knobs. These knobs work to loosen loose hair and remove dirt and grime from your pet's fur.</p>
<p> <b>The advantages of a grooming glove are:</b></p>
<p> <b>Effective hair removal:</b> The small rubber knobs on the glove make it easy to remove loose hair from your pet's fur by simply running your hand over it.</p>
<p> <b>Massage effect:</b> Some grooming gloves are designed to provide a pleasant massage to your pet while you brush them. This can help improve blood circulation and stimulate your pet's skin and coat.</p>
<li><p> <b>Easy cleaning:</b> Since the glove is usually made of rubber, which is a lightweight material, it is easy to clean after use. You can usually just rinse it under the tap or wipe it with a cloth.</p></li>
<p> Moser Grooming Glove is a practical and popular choice for fur care for all pets with short fur and it can be a comfortable and effective way to care for your pet's fur.</p>
<div id="i-3882221171" class="sl-"> <p>Moser Double-Sided Dog Brush is a practical tool for caring for your dog's fur.</p>
<p> <b>With its double-sided design, this brush usually has two different surfaces:</b></p>
<p> <b>A side with soft bristles:</b></p>
<p><b><br></b> This side is ideal for removing loose hair, dirt and grime from your dog's coat. The soft bristles also massage the skin and can promote blood circulation which can be good for your dog's skin and coat.</p>
<p> <b>A side with metal spikes:</b></p>
<p><b><br></b> This side of the brush is usually designed to remove any knots or tangles in your dog's fur. The metal spikes can be a little more intensive and are suitable for tackling more stubborn hair.</p>
<p> Overall, a Moser Double Sided Brush is a handy tool for keeping your dog's coat well-groomed and healthy. It is usually recommended to brush your dog regularly to remove loose hair and prevent knots or tangles in the coat.</p>
<div id="i-3882221172" class="sl-"> <p>Lily's Kitchen Breaktime Biscuits are ideal as a light snack between meals or as a reward during training. They contain no artificial additives, preservatives or fillers, making them a great choice for dog owners who want to give their pets the best.</p>
<p> <strong>Key features:</strong></p>
<li> <strong>Natural ingredients:</strong> Made with whole grain oats and natural herbs and fruits.</li>
<li> <strong>No artificial additives:</strong> Free from artificial colors, preservatives and fillers.</li>
<li> <strong>Healthy and tasty:</strong> Perfect as a snack or reward that supports your dog's health.</li>
<li> <strong>Ideal size:</strong> 80 gram bag perfect for taking on the go or keeping at home.</li>
<p> Lily's Kitchen Breaktime Biscuits are the perfect way to give your dog a healthy and satisfying snack that they will love and that you can feel good about giving.</p>
<div id="i-3882221173" class="sl-"> <p>Diafarm Catnip Spray is a product that is usually used to attract cats' attention and interest.</p>
<p> Catnip is a plant that contains substances that can cause a euphoric reaction in some cats.</p>
<p> The spray contains extract of this plant and can be used to add catnip scent to toys, scratching posts or other objects, which can be particularly attractive to cats.</p>
<p> Many cats respond positively to the scent of catnip and it can be an effective way to encourage them to explore new objects, exercise or play.</p>
<p> However, it is important to note that not all cats respond to catnip and some do not respond to it at all. It is also important to use catnip in moderation as some cats can become overstimulated by it.</p> <p>If your cat responds positively to catnip, Diafarm Catnip Spray can be a useful tool to enrich its environment and encourage healthy activity and play. Always remember to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and avoid applying it to items not intended for feline use.</p>
<div id="i-3882221174" class="sl-">
<p> It is important to ensure that small animals receive a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs and supplementary products such as these vitamin drops can be a way to contribute to this.</p>
<p> For small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, there are several types of treats that can be suitable and tasty:</p>
<p> <b>Dried fruits and vegetables:</b> Dried apples, bananas, carrots or celery can be popular treats for many small animals. Be sure to choose dried fruits without added sugar.</p>
<p> <b>Herbs and vegetable chips:</b> Herbs like parsley, mint or thyme as well as vegetable chips like carrot chips can be exciting and tasty treats.</p>
<li> <p><b>Hay bales with natural ingredients:</b> Hay bales filled with various herbs or vegetables can provide both entertainment and an extra taste experience for small animals.</p>
<p> <b>Delicious seeds and kernels:</b> Nuts like cashews, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds can be tasty treats in moderation. Be sure to avoid salted or spicy varieties.</p>
<li><p> <b>Grains:</b> Small amounts of grains such as oatmeal or whole grain bread can also be a treat for small animals.</p></li>
<p> Whatever treats you choose, it's important to offer them in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. It's also a good idea to vary the treats to offer different flavors and nutritional benefits.</p>
<div id="i-3882221175" class="sl-">
<p> Hay is an essential part of these animals' diet and the addition of pumpkin and carrot to the hay bale provides an extra taste experience and also adds fiber and vitamins to their diet.</p> <p>Pumpkin and carrots are also natural ingredients that can offer additional nutritional benefits and variety to the animals' diet.</p>
<p> These hay bales can be a great way to offer mental stimulation and occupation for rodents while also allowing them to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet.</p>
<p> This is a treat your little friends will love!</p>
<div id="i-3882221176" class="sl-">
<p> The formula is enriched with DHA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid that promotes healthy brain development, which is especially important in the early stages of life. The antioxidants in the food support natural defenses and promote vitality, ensuring that your kitten develops strong and healthy.</p>
<p> This grain-free diet uses alternative carbohydrate sources such as potatoes and peas, which are not only easily digestible but also provide natural fiber and minerals to support healthy digestion. The recipe is also packed with prebiotics and fiber to promote gut health and ensure optimal nutrient absorption.</p> <p>To support a healthy heart, the formula is enriched with extra taurine, an essential amino acid that is crucial for your cat's heart function. The included yeast acts as a natural source of vitamins and essential amino acids, further supporting your kitten's overall health and well-being.</p>
<p> <strong>Key features:</strong></p>
<li> <strong>High level of animal protein:</strong> 87% of the total protein level comes from animal sources, which helps build and maintain lean muscle.</li>
<li> <strong>DHA for brain development:</strong> Promotes healthy brain development in kittens.</li>
<li> <strong>Antioxidants:</strong> Supports natural defenses and promotes vitality.</li>
<li> <strong>Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon:</strong> Contribute to healthy skin and fur as well as brain development.</li>
<li> <strong>Taurine for heart health:</strong> Added taurine supports healthy heart function.</li>
<li> <strong>Prebiotics and fiber:</strong> Promotes intestinal health and healthy digestion.</li> <li>
<strong>Grain-free recipe:</strong> Using potato and peas as alternative carbohydrate sources, ideal for cats with grain sensitivities.</li>
<p> EUKANUBA Grain-Free Dry Cat Food for Growing Kittens is a complete and balanced diet that ensures your kitten gets all the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong. This formula is especially suitable for kittens with specific nutritional needs that require a gentle and nutritious diet.</p>
<div id="i-3882221177" class="sl-">
<p> Formulated with L-carnitine and 21% less fat*, this nutrition helps burn fat and maintain a healthy weight.</p>
<p> The tasty formula is rich in fresh chicken and made with 86% animal protein (out of the total protein level) to help build and maintain lean muscle.</p>
<p> The wheat-free** recipe is rich in easily digestible rice and contains prebiotics and fiber that promote gut health and digestion.</p> <p>In addition, this special nutrition is formulated to support urinary tract health while the antioxidants contained help strengthen natural defenses and promote vitality. For healthy skin and a radiant coat, this recipe is composed with an optimal ratio of omega 6 & 3 fatty acids.<br></p>
<p> EUKANUBA CAT Adult Sterilised/Weight Control is a cat food variant specially developed for adult cats that have been sterilised or need weight control. After sterilisation, cats may have changes in their metabolism and needs and it is important to offer them a diet that supports their health in an appropriate way.</p>
<p> This food contains a balanced blend of proteins, fats and fibre to help maintain a healthy weight and support optimal nutrition.</p> <p>The calorie content is low to help control weight while maintaining adequate satiety. In addition, the food is enriched with vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients to ensure your cat gets the nutrition it needs.</p>
<p> In general, it is important to offer cats a diet that meets their individual needs and lifestyle.</p>
<p> EUKANUBA CAT Adult Sterilized/Weight Control is a good choice for cats with these specific needs.</p>
<div id="i-3882221178" class="sl-">
<p> Grain-free cat food can be beneficial for cats with sensitive stomachs or allergies to grain products.</p>
<p> This recipe is enriched with other important nutrients to ensure a balanced diet that supports your cat's health and vitality.</p>
<p> With EUKANUBA's reputation for quality and cat food, this recipe is a favorite among many cat owners.</p>
<p> EUKANUBA Grain-Free* Dry Cat Food for Adult Cats is an alternative for cats with special nutritional needs.</p> <p>This 100% complete and balanced nutrition has a high level of animal protein 81% of the total protein level which helps build and maintain lean muscle.</p>
<p> The included antioxidants help support natural defenses and promote vitality.</p>
<p> This variety is rich in salmon and provides omega-3 fatty acids from natural sources. To support a healthy heart, extra taurine has been added to the formula.</p>
<p> The recipe is packed with prebiotics and fiber that help promote gut health and digestion.</p>
<p> The alternative carbohydrate sources of potato and peas provide a natural source of fibre and minerals. In addition, the included yeast acts as a natural source of vitamins and essential amino acids. All of these ingredients are important for your adult cat's health and actively contribute to supporting lifelong well-being.<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221179" class="sl-">
<p> CORE 95 Singleprotein Lamb and Pumpkin is a nutritious and tasty wet food for dogs.</p> <p>With lamb as the main protein and the addition of pumpkin for fiber and nutrients, this recipe offers a balanced diet for adult dogs.</p>
<p> It is grain-free and enriched with essential vitamins and minerals to support your dog's overall health and well-being.</p>
<p> Offering single protein options can be beneficial for dogs with food intolerances or allergies as it reduces the risk of adverse reactions.</p>
<p> This recipe is a healthy and satisfying choice for dog owners looking to provide their dogs with a high-quality meal.<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221180" class="sl-">
<p> CORE 95 Turkey with Kale sounds is a nutritious and tasty wet food for dogs.</p>
<p> With turkey as the main ingredient and the addition of kale for fiber and nutrients, this recipe offers a balanced diet for adult dogs.</p>
<p> This wet food is grain-free and enriched with vitamins and minerals, ensuring that the dog gets the necessary nutrition to thrive.</p>
<p> -A fantastic option for dog owners who want to give their dogs a healthy and varied diet.<br></p>
<div id="i-3882221181" class="sl-"> <p>With a focus on chicken and duck as primary protein sources and the addition of carrots for fiber and flavor, this recipe provides a balanced diet for adult dogs over 12 months old.</p>
<p> This wet food is <span><u>grain-free</u></span> and enriched with vitamins and minerals to support your dog's overall health and well-being.</p>
<p> High-quality dog food like this can help maintain a healthy and happy dog.</p>
<div id="i-3882221182" class="sl-">
<li> <strong>Natural Ingredients</strong> : Formulated with natural extracts of papaya and coconut oil known for their nourishing and soothing properties.</li>
<li> <strong>Deep cleansing</strong> : Effectively removes dirt and impurities from the coat without stripping the natural oil layer.</li>
<li> <strong>Moisturizing</strong> : Coconut oil adds moisture and leaves the coat silky soft and shiny.</li>
<li> <strong>Pleasant Fragrance</strong> : Leaves a refreshing scent of papaya and coconut oil that lasts long after the bath.</li>
<li> <strong>Safe and Mild</strong> : PH-balanced formula that is gentle on skin and fur.</li>
</ul> <h4>How does it work?</h4>
<p> TropiClean Shampoo Papaya Coconut offers a deep cleansing and nourishing bathing experience for your dog or cat. It lathers richly and easily, making it easy to massage into the coat and skin. After rinsing, your pet's coat will be clean, soft and pleasantly scented.</p>
<h4> Applications</h4>
<li> <strong>Bathing experience</strong> : Use the shampoo during bathing to maintain a healthy and shiny coat.</li>
<li> <strong>For All Coat Types</strong> : Suitable for all coat types and ages of dogs and cats.</li>
<li> <strong>Frequency</strong> : Use as needed to maintain coat health and hygiene.</li>
<h4> Care instructions</h4>
<li> Apply an appropriate amount of shampoo to wet fur and work it into a rich lather.</li>
<li> Gently massage into the fur and skin for several minutes.</li>
<li> Rinse thoroughly with warm water and repeat if necessary.</li>
<li> Avoid contact with eyes and rinse immediately with plenty of water if the product gets into eyes.</li>
<h3> Why Choose TropiClean Shampoo Papaya Coconut?</h3> <p>TropiClean Shampoo Papaya Coconut offers a combination of effective cleansing and luxurious care with natural ingredients. Ideal for owners who want the best for their pet's coat, this shampoo leaves a pleasant scent and a healthy shine. Experience the tropical feeling with TropiClean Shampoo Papaya Coconut and make bathing a pleasure for both you and your pet!</p>
<p> Give your dog or cat a pampering experience with TropiClean Shampoo Papaya Coconut and enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients and a shiny clean coat.</p>
<div id="i-3882221183" class="sl-">
<h3> <strong>Product features:</strong>
<li> <strong>Interactive Design:</strong> The Tumbler Helicopter is designed like a helicopter that moves and spins around, capturing your pet's attention and encouraging play. The tumbling motion makes it unpredictable, keeping your pet interested for longer.</li> <li>
<strong>Stimulates Instincts:</strong> The moving helicopter activates your pet's hunting instincts as it attempts to catch and play with the toy. This helps provide mental and physical stimulation that is important for your pet's health.</li>
<li> <strong>Durable Construction:</strong> Made from sturdy materials that are safe and durable, this toy ensures long-lasting entertainment without compromising on safety.</li>
<li> <strong>Easy to Use:</strong> The toy requires minimal setup and is easy to activate, making it convenient for both pet and owner.</li>
<li> <strong>Suitable for Cats and Small Dogs:</strong> The helicopter's size and design make it ideal for smaller pets who can play with it on their own or with their owners.</li>
<h3> <strong>Advantages:</strong>
<li> Promotes exercise and activity for your pet, which is important for maintaining a healthy weight and good physical fitness.</li> <li>Can be used as a tool to reduce stress and boredom in pets by offering a fun and interactive play experience.</li>
<li> Helps strengthen the bond between owner and pet through interactive play.</li>
<p> The Companion Pet Tumbler Helicopter is an excellent choice for pet owners who want to give their cat or small dog a fun and challenging toy that also promotes physical activity and mental stimulation.</p>
<div id="i-3882221184" class="sl-">
<p> <strong>Advantages of Diafarm Bitterspray:</strong></p>
<li> <strong>Prevents unwanted behavior:</strong> Effective in preventing your dog or cat from chewing or licking on furniture, wires and other objects.</li>
<li> <strong>Safe and harmless:</strong> Contains a bitter taste that is unpleasant for the pet but is completely harmless.</li>
<li> <strong>Versatile use:</strong> Can be used on a variety of surfaces including furniture, shoes, textiles, wounds and bandages.</li>
<li> <strong>Easy to use:</strong> The practical spray bottle makes it easy to spray on the desired areas.</li>
</ul> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p>
<div id="i-3882221185" class="sl-">
<p> Greenfields Puppy Shampoo BarGreenfields Puppy shampoo bar is a mild shampoo specially developed for puppies.</p>
<p> This plastic-free shampoo bar is packed with natural ingredients. It contains chicory to protect the young coat and give a natural shine. As well as olive oil to provide natural moisture to sensitive and young skin. The shampoo bar is suitable for all types of coat.</p>
<p><br> ingredients:</p>
<p> Chicory: protects the young coat and gives a natural shine.</p>
<p> Olive oil: Olive oil provides natural moisture to skin and fur.</p>
<p> Full of vitamin E.</p>
<p> Sustainable and plastic-free solution.</p>
<p> One shampoo bar is equivalent to 3 plastic bottles and can be used for up to 60 washes. This 70 gram shampoo bar reduces the use of plastic in a household, contributes to the environment and fits into any budget!</p>
<p><br> In addition to the shampoo bar being plastic-free, Greenfields also believes it is important to offer natural grooming solutions for dogs. All Greenfields' shampoo bars are pH balanced, contain no preservatives and are vegan.</p>
<p><b> <br>How do you use the shampoo bar?</b></p>
<p> Brush the coat first, if necessary. Wet the dog in the bath or shower and build up a lather by rubbing the shampoo bar all over the body.</p>
<p> Be careful to avoid the eyes and ears. Rinse the dog with lukewarm water until all the shampoo is gone. Use a towel to dry the dog.</p>
<p> <b>Here are some of the features and benefits you can expect with this shampoo bar:</b></p>
<p> <b>Gentle wash:</b> The shampoo bar is formulated to be gentle on your puppy's sensitive skin and coat. It effectively removes dirt and grime without irritating or drying out the skin.</p>
<li><ul><li> <b>Soothing properties:</b> The product has soothing ingredients that help relieve irritation and itching which is common in puppies.</li></ul></li>
<li><ul><li> <b>Natural Ingredients:</b> Many puppy owners prefer products that are made with natural ingredients and free of harmful chemicals. Greenfields Puppy Shampoo Bar contains natural ingredients that are gentle and safe for your puppy.</li></ul></li>
<li><ul> <li>
<b>Long-lasting use:</b> The shampoo bar has a solid shape which means it can last longer than liquid shampoo and is more economical to use.</li>
<li> When using Greenfields Puppy Shampoo Bar, follow the recommendations that come with the product and avoid getting the shampoo in your puppy's eyes or ears. </li>
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